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Vassiliki Rapti, PhD
In Dialogue with Cavafy: 150 Years Honoring the Poet from Alexandria
In Dialogue with Cavafy: 150 Years Honoring the Poet from Alexandria Student readers, with Maria Zervos and Prof. Vassiliki Rapti. On...
Classical Reception Studies Network
CRSN individual members (4) Individual members N-S Dr Sonya Nevin: Department of Humanities, University of...
LI411 - Topics in European Literature: Games, Theory and Literature (4 Credits)
LI411 - Topics in European Literature: Games, Theory and Literature (4 Credits) Games, gaming, gambling and play in every possible form,...
The Greek Diaspora has established one of the oldest models of language education for the Greek youth in the US. Currently, there are...
Ludics in Surrealist Theatre and Beyond by Vassiliki Rapti (review) Pierre Taminiaux
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: The very notion of a surrealist theater remains today difficult to grasp,...
Ludics in Surrealist Theatre and Beyond by Vassiliki Rapti (review) Elizabeth Arseniou
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: The surrealist adventure has been international; so is the field of its...
Work from the 2014 Paros Translation Symposium: Iossif Ventura
2 Το Παιχνίδι Play. Πήγε ο Μεντές για τη ζαριά και θαύμασε πως ήρθανε εξάρες. Είπε ο Λεών Για θάνατο μιλούν κι’ είναι καλές πόρτες θ’...
Work from the 2014 Paros Translation Symposium: William Rowe
COUNTRY OF THIRST Broken seats Then along the left side of the road the country of thirst could be seen On the Chilean desert ...
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