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Vassiliki Rapti, PhD
Ποίηση και μύθος στα θεατρικά έργα του Βασίλη Ζιώγα (review) Vassiliki Rapti
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Poetry and Myth in the Plays of Vasilis Ziogas by Walter Puchner,...
Advanced Modern Greek: Instruction to Modern Greek Literature Modern Greek 100 Vassiliki Rapti
Arts @ 29 Garden is thrilled to be a part of the collaborative team brought together through this course. Once per week, we will provide...
MODERN GREEK 100: Advanced Modern Greek: Introduction to Modern Greek Literature with Vassiliki Rapt
Course Website Locator: 8487 Harvard College/Graduate School of Arts and Sciences The following course websites match your request:...
Electronic Course Sites for Modern Greek Language Instruction at Harvard
I-site for Modern Greek A in Collaboration with the Advanced Technology Group I-site for Modern Greek B in Collaboration with the...
The Greek Institute, Cambridge, MA
Pilot Courses: 1) “Teaching Advanced Modern Greek Through Creative Writing and Collage Techniques” 2) “Nanos Valaoritis and the Greek...
Washington University in St. Louis
“Modern Greek U34 200: Introduction to Modern Greek Language and Culture,” University College “Modern Greek U34 220: Special readings in...
University of Missouri-St. Louis
“Byzantium: History, Art, Culture” Anthro 2117 (Fall 08) “Constructing Ethnic Identity: How Literature, Art and the Olympics Shaped...
Harvard University
Advanced Modern Greek 100: Special Topic: “Narratives of the Greek Crisis: Texts, Cinema, Performance” (Spring 2016) Modern Greek AC:...
Program of Events
Author Sofia Nikolaidou and Translator Karen Emmerich “Then there were tanks, Now there are banks”: A Conversation on the Novel "The...
Ludics Seminar
Zoa Alonso Fernández, Harvard University Ludi, Ludic, Ludicrous: Choreographing Rome from Spartacus to Caligula 09/29/14 James N. Stone,...
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