MODERN GREEK The Greek Diaspora has established one of the oldest models of language education for the Greek youth in the US. Currently, there are approximately 30,000 students enrolled in parochial schools that adhere to local and state mandated curricula. There are 340 + Greek afternoon schools and many parishes offer evening Greek courses. In addition, more than 40 universities include Modern Greek language instruction in their curriculum. Most of the instructors who teach Modern Greek are not aware of ACTFL and the opportunities ACTFL offers in terms of professional development, networking, and learning about the most recent updates in the field. The Modern Greek Language Special Interest Group of ACTFL serves as a network and provides a forum for the Modern Greek language and culture teaching community. SIG members will share their expertise and will promote the best teaching practices and the use of most recent research in the field of Modern Greek across all levels, k through 16. The Modern Greek Language SIG provides opportunities to its members to develop strategies for articulation across levels, and plays a leading role in connecting educators who share expertise in teaching methods, assessment, teacher development and uses of new technologies in teaching and learning Modern Greek. The mission of the Modern Greek Language SIG is: To promote the teaching and learning of Modern Greek language and culture in the US. To provide a forum for sharing the best teaching practices and most recent research in the field of Modern Greek language teaching. To share the development of strategies for articulation policies across all levels, K through 16. To provide a venue for collaboration among educators, researchers and administrators, in the field of Modern Greek, and encourage them to identify issues the field is confronted with. Current Officers Chair: Maria Katridis, George Mason University Vice-Chair: Vassiliki Rapti, Harvard University Secretary: Hellenic Education Center
The Greek Diaspora has established one of the oldest models of language education for the Greek youth in the US. Currently, there are approximately 30,000 students enrolled in parochial schools that adhere to local and state mandated curricula. There are 340 + Greek afternoon schools and many parishes offer evening Greek courses. In addition, more than 40 universities include Modern Greek language instruction in their curriculum. Most of the instructors who teach Modern Greek are not aware of ACTFL and the opportunities ACTFL offers in terms of professional development, networking, and learning about the most recent updates in the field. The Modern Greek Language Special Interest Group of ACTFL serves as a network and provides a forum for the Modern Greek language and culture teaching community. SIG members will share their expertise and will promote the best teaching practices and the use of most recent research in the field of Modern Greek across all levels, k through 16. The Modern Greek Language SIG provides opportunities to its members to develop strategies for articulation across levels, and plays a leading role in connecting educators who share expertise in teaching methods, assessment, teacher development and uses of new technologies in teaching and learning Modern Greek. The mission of the Modern Greek Language SIG is: To promote the teaching and learning of Modern Greek language and culture in the US. To provide a forum for sharing the best teaching practices and most recent research in the field of Modern Greek language teaching. To share the development of strategies for articulation policies across all levels, K through 16. To provide a venue for collaboration among educators, researchers and administrators, in the field of Modern Greek, and encourage them to identify issues the field is confronted with. Current Officers Chair: Maria Katridis, George Mason University Vice-Chair: Vassiliki Rapti, Harvard University Secretary: Hellenic Education Center