The Odysseas Online Language Tutor
Board Member, MGSA Innovation Committee
Language Expert for the content of the Odysseas Online Tutor, 2008.

The Odysseas online language tutor is an interactive learning program designed to teach the Greek language and culture on the Internet using electronic learning principles and advanced user interface technology.
The tutor is designed to emulate how an actual personal tutor would instruct a student. It provides several examples and no-risk quizzes so that students are familiar with the exam format ahead of time. After each exam the student receives customized feedback based on his/her performance. Odysseas also tracks the progress of students through several exams to ensure that they are making steady progress. The tutor has now taught Greek to thousands of students throughout North America and China, and has been recognized as a pioneer of online language instruction.
The support of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation ensures Odysseas’s continued development and the creation of introductory courses in Arabic and Turkish. In addition, a new technology lab at the SNF Centre for Hellenic Studies at SFU is being created. This new lab will maintain existing platforms while adapting to new technologies. Almost a 100,000 users around the globe have registered, downloaded or installed the Odysseas’ Greek Language Tutor Platform / Mobile application.