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Board Member, Modern Greek Studies Association's Undergraduate Committee, responsible for the biennial MGSA Greek Language Pedagogy Workshop

Every two years, the MGSA organizes an international symposium, hosted at various North American locations, which attracts hundreds of scholars from all over the world. While early symposia had a designated theme, today they are open to all disciplines and topics in order to better represent the growth and diversity of Modern Greek Studies since the late 1960s. Indeed, the human and social sciences, the arts and professional schools are all well represented in the proceedings. In addition, symposia are often enriched with exhibits, concerts, readings, and other cultural offerings.

The MGSA symposium, the oldest and largest of its kind in the world, provides a unique forum for current research and new ideas. Over the years it has started welcoming graduate students, often giving them their first exposure to the field as well as to disciplines outside their own. Many symposium papers eventually appear in the Journal of Modern Greek Studies , either individually or as entire panels.

The following list, which includes the complete programs of all symposia in chronological order, serves as a record not only of the biennial event but also of the breadth of the field on a global scale.

  • 2015: Symposium 24, Atlanta, GA

  • 2013: Open Theme Indiana University ⁝ Bloomington

  • 2011: Open Theme New York University HTML version

  • Archive of the 2011 event and its participants.

  • 2009: Open Theme · Simon Fraser University plus the poster

  • 2007: Open Theme · Yale University + Arts archive with visuals

  • 2005: Open Theme · Chicago, IL.

  • 2003: Open Theme · York University

  • 2001: Open Theme · Georgetown University

  • 1999: Open Theme · Princeton University

  • 1997: Open Theme · Kent State University

  • 1995: Open Theme · Harvard University

  • 1993: Greeks and Others: the Nation, the Region, the Diaspora · Berkeley, CA.

  • 1991: Greece in a Changing Europe: State, Society and Culture · University of Florida.

  • 1989: Power/Freedom: Politics, Social Life and Arts in Modern Greece · University of Minnesota.

  • 1987: Greece, Greeks, and the Sea · Providence, RI.

  • 1985: Modern Hellenism in the Context of Eastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean · The Ohio State University

  • 1983: Modern Greece in the European Context · NYU

  • 1980: Women and Men in Greece: A Society in Transition · University of Pennsylvania.

  • 1978: Greece in the 1940s · American University.

  • 1976: The Greek Experience in America · Chicago.

  • 1975: The 'Past' in Medieval and Modern Greek Culture · UCLA.

  • 1973: Forces Shaping Modern Greece · Columbia.

  • 1971: The Greek War of Independence · Harvard.

  • 1969: Modern Greek Literature and its European Background · Princeton.

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