Mahindra Humanities Center Harvard
Ludics focuses on the concepts of play and games, widely interpreted. Interdisciplinary at its core, it aims by means of innovative approaches at fostering an open dialogue among scholars who are interested in exploring the ludic principle across a broad spectrum of human culture, from literature, rhetoric, and theater to law, economy, and politics.
Ilana Friedman
Upcoming Events
Panos Panay, BerkleeICE
Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Tuesday, February 2, 2016 - 5:30pm
Room 128, Barker Center
John Robinson-Appels, Columbia University
Comedy, Physicality, and Ludic Dance Gestures
Tuesday, February 16, 2016 - 7:30pm
Room 110, Barker Center
Nicholas Knouf, Wellesley University
Women Gamers, Women Game-Makers
Monday, February 22, 2016 - 6:00pm
Location TBA
Gamers can no longer be understood to be primarily men. Recent gaming industry surveys have shown that women now make up one of the largest playing demographics. Yet those who identify as women in online gaming communities can still face extensive harassment, both online and off. Women are also woefully underrepresented as game developers. To better understand these issues, my colleagues and I have recently conducted a survey of students and alumnae at Wellesley College to explore issues of representation, race, and gender in contemporary electronic gaming. Our results present an incredibly heterogeneous picture that cannot be easily subsumed into the media soundbytes that have followed recent controversies such as #Gamergate. I will talk about what this means for the future development of gaming, highlighting games produced by students in my classes, as well as tying these conversations to old and new work in feminist theories of technology.
Past Events 2015 - 16
Mary Flanagan, Dartmouth College
Constance Rinaldo, Harvard University
Purposeful Gaming
Andromache Karanika, University of California, Irvine
Τhe Dissonance of Ludic Poetics in Greek Wedding Song Tradition: A Workshop on the "Interdiscursivity" between the Epithalamia and the Laments in Greek Antiquity
Franziska Naether, University of Leipzig
Casino Royale in Ancient Skyscrapers? On Recent Finds from Roman Tower Houses in Tuna el-Gebel (Egypt)
Danuta Fjellestad, Uppsala University
The Ludic Impulse in Post-Postmodern Fiction
Christian Gütl, Graz University of Technology
Johanna Pirker, Graz University of Technology
Crossing: Virtual Experiences, Games, and Teaching
Past Events 2014 - 15
Zoa Alonso Fernández, Harvard University
Ludi, Ludic, Ludicrous: Choreographing Rome from Spartacus to Caligula
James N. Stone, Boston University
Playing Scrabble with Sappho: A Translation Workshop for Anyone Interested in the Interplay of Poetry, Translation, and Play
Mary Yossi, University of Athens
Laughter in Greek Lyric Poetry
Nicole Nolette, Harvard University
Games Translators Play in Bilingual French-Canadian Theater
Past Events 2013 - 14
Amy Ogata, Bard Graduate Center
Playing with Design: Cultivating Childhood Creativity in Postwar America
Brian Waniewski
Playing to Engage: How to Revitalize Society
Patrick Hutchinson, Brown University
Panayotis League, Harvard University
Tom Zajac, Wellesley College
Sounds from Europe's Margins: Bagpipes in Boston